Drag Drop


Drag drop activities consist of one or more pairs of drag item elements and drop area elements, a check answer button, and a feedback element. A drag item is considered correct when dropped on a drop area that shares its index.

To insert a drag drop activity, use Interactions > Drag Drop. The drag drop activity can be inserted in its default design, for full customization, or as an interactive set.

Usually, drag items and drop areas go in pairs. To add such a pair, use Drag Drop > Add Drag Drop Pair. However, each “pair” can have any number of drag items or drop areas.

To add a drag item to an existing pair, select an element of the pair and use Drag Drop > Add Drag Item to Pair. To add a drop area to an existing pair, select an element of the pair and use Drag Drop > Add Drop Area to Pair.

Dummy drag items and drop areas are ones which have an index of none. Such dummy items aren’t involved in the score calculation of the activity. To add a dummy drag item, use Drag Drop > Add Dummy Drag Item. To add a dummy drop area, use Drag Drop > Add Dummy Drop Area.


Shuffle Drag Items Checkbox When on, randomizes the order of drag items.
Shuffle Drop Areas Checkbox When on, randomizes the order of drop areas.
Reject Mismatched Drops Checkbox When on, items dropped over a mismatched drop area will be rejected.
On Drop Align To Select Defines the alignment of dropped items within the drop area. When none, dropped items will remain in their dropped position.
Force Correction Order Checkbox Enforces the order in which to fix the items when showing correction, according to the drop area’s <Correction Order>.
Allow Drop Over Checkbox When off, dropping items is not allowed over a drop area which already has the maximum number of drag items, according to its <Max Items> value.


Drag Opacity Number The opacity level (0100) of the drag items while dragging.
Animate Correction Checkbox When on, animates drag items when they are positioned.
Correction Animation Duration Unit The time for the animation to take. Only relevant when <Animation Correction> is on.

Style Rules

Dragging Style Style Rule Used for a drag item while it’s being dragged.
Dropped Style Style Rule Used for a drag item after it has been dropped.


Description Text Description of the activity, to be sent to the LMS along with the result.

Drag Item

A drag item is a generic element. To remove a drag item, simply select and remove it using Design > Remove, or the Delete key.

Drag Item

Drag Item Index Number The index of the drag item, linking it to one or more corresponding drop areas. none creates a dummy drag item, which isn’t taken into consideration in the score calculation of the activity.

Style Rules

Mouse Over Style Style Rule Used when the mouse is over the drag item.
Dragging Style Style Rule Used for the drag item while it’s being dragged.
Dropped Style Style Rule Used for the drag item after it has been dropped.

Drop Area

A drop area is a generic element. To remove a drop area, simply select and remove it using Design > Remove, or the Delete key.

Drop Area

Drop Area Index Number The index of the drop area, linking it to one or more corresponding drag items. none creates a dummy drop area, which isn’t taken into consideration in the score calculation of the activity.
Max Items Number Defines the maximum number of drag items which can be dropped in the drop area, or unlimited.
Correction Order Number The order in which to fix the items when showing correction, when the drag drop element’s <Force Correction Order> is on.
Opacity Number The opacity level (0100) of the drop area. Does not affect the appearance at design-time.