

Gallery elements are used to create an image gallery, consisting of one or more thumbnails. At run-time, pressing a thumbnail opens a lightbox popup with a full-sized image, according to <Image / Source>.

To insert a gallery element, use Insert > Gallery.

When the document contains more than one gallery element, hovering the left/right edges of the lightbox popup reveals navigation arrows, allowing to navigate between the different images from within the lightbox. The lightbox popup can be closed using the close button, or by simply pressing outside the lightbox.

Individual labels can be assigned to each gallery element. The visual appearance of the lightbox and label can be customized, and will affect all gallery elements throughout the document.


Source Media The image file to open in the lightbox popup.
Thumbnail Media The image file to use as a thumbnail. The element will be automatically adjusted to fit the assigned image, so long as it hasn’t been previously resized.
Order Number Determines the place of the image in the order of all gallery images in the document, when using the gallery navigation arrows. A smaller number means the image will appear earlier in the order. When auto, the order is determined by the positions of the gallery images in the document.


Label Text The text to display in the label.
Font Select The font to use for the label text.
Size Unit The font size to use for the label text.
Color Color The color to use for the label text.
Fill Color Color The color to use as the label background.
Position Select outer – The label is positioned below the lightbox popup.
over – The label is positioned over the bottom of the lightbox popup.


Outline Width Unit Thickness of the lightbox outline.
Outline Color Color Color of the lightbox outline.
Close Button Media Image used as the icon for the lightbox close button.
Close Left Unit Horizontal offset of the lightbox close button.
Close Top Unit Vertical offset of the lightbox close button.
Previous Button Media Image used as the icon for the lightbox previous button.
Next Button Media Image used as the icon for the lightbox next button.