Google Chart

Google charts allow charting data, which is entered into the element, in one of several ways.

Google chart elements consist of dataset elements and data point elements, which describe the data of the chart. These sub-elements are fed into the chart, and are not visible at run-time.

To insert a Google chart element, use Interactions > Mashups > Google Chart.

Chart Appearance

Chart Type Select The type of chart to display, either line, sparkline, columns, stacked columns, pie, 3d pie, venn, scatter, radar, map or meter. For the map chart type, see the Google map chart.
Width Unit Width of the chart.
Height Unit Height of the chart.
Color Color Color of the chart.
Background Color Color Background color of the chart.
Area Type Select Fill type for the chart area, either solid, gradient, or stripes.
Area Color 1 Color Primary fill color for the chart area.
Area Color 2 Color Secondary fill color for the chart area, only relevant when <Area Type> is gradient or stripes.
Gradient Angle Number Angle (090) of the chart area gradient. Only relevant when <Area Type> is gradient.


Title Text Title to show at the head of the chart.
Size Unit Font size to use for chart title.
Color Color Font color to use for chart title.


Axis 1 Font Size Unit Font size of the first axis label.
Axis 1 Font Color Color Font color of the first axis label.
Axis 2 Font Size Unit Font size of the second axis label.
Axis 2 Font Color Color Font color of the second axis label.


Show Checkbox When on, a legend is shown on the chart.
Position Select Position to show the legend in, either bottom, top, right or left. Only relevant when <Legend / Show> is on.


Show Checkbox When on, a grid is shown in the back of the chart.
X Step Number Step between each grid line on the X-axis. Only relevant when <Grid / Show> is on.
Y Step Number Step between each grid line on the Y-axis. Only relevant when <Grid / Show> is on.
Line Segment Number Length of each line segment in the dashed grid line.
Blank Segment Number Length of each blank segment in the dashed grid line, or 0 for a solid grid line.


Width Number Width of each bar. Only relevant when <Chart Type> is columns or stacked columns.
Spacing Number Spacing between bars in each group. Only relevant when <Chart Type> is columns or stacked columns.
Groups Spacing Number Spacing between each group of bars. Only relevant when <Chart Type> is columns or stacked columns.


Width Number The width of each stripe in the chart area. Only relevant when <Area Type> is stripes.
Direction Select The direction of the chart area stripes, either vertical or horizontal. Only relevant when <Area Type> is stripes.


Min Number Minimum point value to scale the chart by. To reset scaling, set both this and <Scaling / Max> to 0.
Max Number Maximum point value to scale the chart by. To reset scaling, set both this and <Scaling / Min> to 0.


Geographical Area Select Geographical area covered by the map chart. Only relevant when <Chart Type> is map.

More information about Google chart options can be found on Google Chart API.


Each dataset in the chart describes a set of points, or an axis. A dataset element consists of any number of data point elements.

Additional datasets can be added using Google Chart > Add Dataset or Google Chart > Add Default Dataset.


Color Color Color of the dataset. When left undefined, inherits the color of the chart.


Show Checkbox When on, labels are shown for each point in the dataset.
Dataset Label Text Label of the dataset, displayed on the axis.


Width Number Width of the line described by the dataset.
Line Segment Number Length of each line segment in the dashed line.
Blank Segment Number Length of each blank segment in the dashed line, or 0 for a solid line.


Show Checkbox When on, markers are shown for each point in the dataset.
Type Select Type of points markers, either arrow, cross, diamond, circle, square or x. Only relevant when <Marker / Show> is on.
Color Color Color of point markers. Only relevant when <Marker / Show> is on.
Size Number Size of point markers. Only relevant when <Marker / Show> is on.
Priority Select Priority of point markers, either normal, high or low. Only relevant when <Marker / Show> is on.

Data Point

Each point in the chart is described using a data point element.

Additional data points can be added using Google Chart > Add Data Point.


Label Text Label of the data point.
Data Number Value of the data point.
Color Color Color of the data point. When left undefined, inherits the color of the dataset.

Google Map Chart

Google map charts are special cases of the Google chart, used to create a map of geographical area. The geographical area covered by the map is defined by <Geographical Area>. Each data point’s <Label> can be set to a country code or state code to highlight it on the map.

To insert a Google map chart, use Interactions > Mashups > Google Map Chart.

See Google’s list of supported country codes, and of supported state codes for the USA.