Shape elements are used to embed vector graphics in a document.
To insert a shape element, use Basic Elements > Shape, and select any shape preset. Shapes can be quickly rotated by pressing and dragging the rotation handle which appears when the shape is selected.
Shape and Rotation |
Shape | Select | The type of the shape. One of the following: rectangle, oval, polygon, star, rectangle callout, oval callout, line, arrow, diamond, trapezoid, parallelogram, cross. |
Rotation | Number | Angle of the shape’s rotation, in degrees. Shapes can also be quickly rotated using the rotation handle. |
Rotation Scaling | Select | normal – When resizing while rotated, shape maintains its original aspect ratio. stretch to fit – When resizing while rotated, shape is stretched to fit. |
Flip | Select | Mirrors the shape around its horizontal axis, vertical axis, or both of its axes. |
Fill |
Type | Select | none – No fill, the shape’s background is transparent. solid – Solid fill, in a single color determined by <Fill / Color>. linear – A linear gradient, between <Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>. radial – A radial gradient, between <Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>. |
Color | Color | Primary color to use for the fill. |
Color Over | Color | Alternate color to use for the fill, when the mouse is over the shape. When <Fill / Type> is none, the shape is given a fill while the mouse is over it. |
Opacity | Number | Opacity level (0–100) of the fill. |
Gradient Color | Color | Secondary color to use in a gradient fill. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is linear or radial. |
Gradient Color Over | Color | Alternate secondary color to use in a gradient fill, when the mouse is over the shape. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is not solid. When <Fill / Type> is none, the shape is given a linear gradient fill while the mouse is over it. |
Gradient Angle | Number | Angle for a gradient fill, in degrees. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is linear. |
Gradient Opacity | Number | Opacity level (0–100) of the gradient fill. |
Stroke |
Type | Select | none – No stroke. solid – A solid stroke outlining the shape. dashed – A dashed stroke, alternating between solid and none. |
Color | Color | Color to use for the stroke. |
Color Over | Color | Alternate color to use for the stroke, when the mouse is over the shape. When <Stroke / Type> is none, the shape is given a solid stroke while the mouse is over it. |
Width | Number | Thickness of the outline stroke. |
Dash Width | Number | The width of stroke dashes. Only relevant when <Stroke / Type> is dashed. |
Dash Spacing | Number | The spacing between stroke dashes. Only relevant when <Stroke / Type> is dashed. |
Shadow |
Enabled | Checkbox | When on, shows a drop shadow underneath the shape. |
Source | Select | stroke – Only the outline of the shape is given a shadow. fill – The entire area of the shape is given a shadow. |
Color | Color | Color to use for the drop shadow. |
Opacity | Number | Opacity level (0–100) of the drop shadow. |
Offset X | Number | Horizontal displacement of the drop shadow from the shape. |
Offset Y | Number | Vertical displacement of the drop shadow from the shape. |
The shape label is a generic element, which is inserted as a sub-element of some shape types. The shape label is automatically centered within the shape element. To remove a shape label, simply select and remove it using Design > Remove, or the Delete key.
Rectangle shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Oval shapes have additional properties.
Polygon shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Points | Number | The number of corners in the polygon. Minimum of 3. |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Star shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Inner Radius | Number | The radius of the inner points. |
Points | Number | The number of points in the star. Minimum of 2. |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Rectangle callout shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Callout |
Orientation | Select | The direction of the callout tail. Either bottom right, bottom left, top right or top left. |
Tail Style | Number | One of several (1–4) types of tails. |
Rectangle callout shapes have additional properties.
Callout |
Orientation | Select | The direction of the callout tail. Either bottom right, bottom left, top right or top left. |
Tail Style | Number | One of several (1–12) types of tails. |
Line and arrow shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Arrows |
Arrow Head | Select | none – Don’t show an arrow head. head – Show an arrow head at one end of the line. end – Show an arrow head at the other end of the line. both – Show an arrow head at both ends of the line. |
Head Shape | Number | The shape of the arrow head (-100 to 100). |
Head Size | Number | The size of the arrow head. |
Body Size | Number | Size of the body of the arrow, as a portion (0-100) of the available space. |
Diamond shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Trapezoid shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Base Size | Number | The size of the trapezoid base, as a portion (0–100) of the available space. |
Parallelogram shapes have additional properties.
Shape and Rotation |
Corner Radius | Number | The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded. |
Tilt | Number | The amount of tilt of the parallelogram’s bases, as a portion (0–100) of the available space. |
Cross shapes have additional properties.