
Shape elements are used to embed vector graphics in a document.

To insert a shape element, use Basic Elements > Shape, and select any shape preset. Shapes can be quickly rotated by pressing and dragging the rotation handle which appears when the shape is selected.

Shape and Rotation

Shape Select The type of the shape. One of the following: rectangle, oval, polygon, star, rectangle callout, oval callout, line, arrow, diamond, trapezoid, parallelogram, cross.
Rotation Number Angle of the shape’s rotation, in degrees. Shapes can also be quickly rotated using the rotation handle.
Rotation Scaling Select normal – When resizing while rotated, shape maintains its original aspect ratio.
stretch to fit – When resizing while rotated, shape is stretched to fit.
Flip Select Mirrors the shape around its horizontal axis, vertical axis, or both of its axes.


Type Select none – No fill, the shape’s background is transparent.
solid – Solid fill, in a single color determined by <Fill / Color>.
linear – A linear gradient, between <Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>.
radial – A radial gradient, between <Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>.
Color Color Primary color to use for the fill.
Color Over Color Alternate color to use for the fill, when the mouse is over the shape. When <Fill / Type> is none, the shape is given a fill while the mouse is over it.
Opacity Number Opacity level (0100) of the fill.
Gradient Color Color Secondary color to use in a gradient fill. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is linear or radial.
Gradient Color Over Color Alternate secondary color to use in a gradient fill, when the mouse is over the shape. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is not solid. When <Fill / Type> is none, the shape is given a linear gradient fill while the mouse is over it.
Gradient Angle Number Angle for a gradient fill, in degrees. Only relevant when <Fill / Type> is linear.
Gradient Opacity Number Opacity level (0100) of the gradient fill.


Type Select none – No stroke.
solid – A solid stroke outlining the shape.
dashed – A dashed stroke, alternating between solid and none.
Color Color Color to use for the stroke.
Color Over Color Alternate color to use for the stroke, when the mouse is over the shape. When <Stroke / Type> is none, the shape is given a solid stroke while the mouse is over it.
Width Number Thickness of the outline stroke.
Dash Width Number The width of stroke dashes. Only relevant when <Stroke / Type> is dashed.
Dash Spacing Number The spacing between stroke dashes. Only relevant when <Stroke / Type> is dashed.


Enabled Checkbox When on, shows a drop shadow underneath the shape.
Source Select stroke – Only the outline of the shape is given a shadow.
fill – The entire area of the shape is given a shadow.
Color Color Color to use for the drop shadow.
Opacity Number Opacity level (0100) of the drop shadow.
Offset X Number Horizontal displacement of the drop shadow from the shape.
Offset Y Number Vertical displacement of the drop shadow from the shape.

Shape Label

The shape label is a generic element, which is inserted as a sub-element of some shape types. The shape label is automatically centered within the shape element. To remove a shape label, simply select and remove it using Design > Remove, or the Delete key.


Rectangle shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.


Oval shapes have additional properties.


Enabled Checkbox When on, the shape’s stroke is jagged.
Span Number The width of each jag. Only relevant when <Jag / Enabled> is on.
Size Number The depth of each jag. Only relevant when <Jag / Enabled> is on.


Polygon shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Points Number The number of corners in the polygon. Minimum of 3.
Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.


Star shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Inner Radius Number The radius of the inner points.
Points Number The number of points in the star. Minimum of 2.
Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.

Rectangle Callout

Rectangle callout shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.


Orientation Select The direction of the callout tail. Either bottom right, bottom left, top right or top left.
Tail Style Number One of several (14) types of tails.

Oval Callout

Rectangle callout shapes have additional properties.


Orientation Select The direction of the callout tail. Either bottom right, bottom left, top right or top left.
Tail Style Number One of several (112) types of tails.

Line and Arrow

Line and arrow shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.


Arrow Head Select none – Don’t show an arrow head.
– Show an arrow head at one end of the line.
end – Show an arrow head at the other end of the line.
both – Show an arrow head at both ends of the line.
Head Shape Number The shape of the arrow head (-100 to 100).
Head Size Number The size of the arrow head.
Body Size Number Size of the body of the arrow, as a portion (0-100) of the available space.


Diamond shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.


Trapezoid shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.
Base Size Number The size of the trapezoid base, as a portion (0100) of the available space.


Parallelogram shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.
Tilt Number The amount of tilt of the parallelogram’s bases, as a portion (0100) of the available space.


Cross shapes have additional properties.

Shape and Rotation

Corner Radius Number The radius to round corners by. 0 means corners are not rounded.
Body Size Number The size of the cross body, as a portion (0100) of the available space.