Text art elements are used for adding vector based text to the document, allowing to design the text’s path, fill, outline, and shadow. The textual content of text art elements can be edited via <Text>.
To insert a text art element, use Basic Elements > Text Art, and select any text art preset. Each of the presets can be completely customized after it’s added to the document.
Text Art |
Text | Text | The text to display in the text art. |
Text Path | Select | Determines the path for the text to follow. |
Text Fill |
Type | Select | none – The text has no fill. solid – Solid fill, in a single color determined by <Text Fill / Color>. linear – A linear gradient, between <Text Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>. radial – A radial gradient, between <Text Fill / Color> and <Gradient Color>. image – An image is used as a fill, according to <Text Fill / Image>. |
Color | Color | Primary color to use for the fill. |
Opacity | Number | Opacity level (0–100) of the fill. |
Gradient Color | Color | Secondary color to use in a gradient fill. Only relevant when <Text Fill / Type> is linear or radial. |
Image | Media | Image to use as the text fill. Image fill always uses <Text Fill / Color> in transparent parts of the image. |
Text Outline |
Enabled | Checkbox | When on, the text is outlined. |
Color | Color | Color to use for the outline. |
Width | Number | Thickness of the outline. |
Text Shadow |
Enabled | Checkbox | When on, shows a drop shadow underneath the text. |
Color | Color | Color to use for the drop shadow. |
Opacity | Number | Opacity level (0–100) of the drop shadow. |
Offset X | Number | Horizontal displacement of the drop shadow from the text. |
Offset Y | Number | Vertical displacement of the drop shadow from the text. |