
184_l_properties-levelBasic Properties
Switches to basic properties mode, showing only the basic and most common properties in the properties grid.
185_l_properties-levelNormal Properties
Switches to normal properties mode, showing most of the properties in the properties grid.
186_l_properties-levelAdvanced Properties
Switches to advanced properties mode, showing all of the available properties in the properties grid.
158_l_Tree ViewElements Tree
Opens a list of options relating to the elements tree:

  • Expand All – Expands the entire tree to reveal all sub-elements.
  • Collapse All – Collapses the entire tree to show only top-level elements.
  • Auto-Collapse Tree – When checked, the tree is automatically collapsed to only show the selected element.
  • Start as Collapsed – When checked, the tree starts off as collapsed. This option is only available if auto-collapsing is turned off.
Opens a list of editing helper options:

  • Highlight Elements – When checked, highlights elements when the mouse is over them, indicating which elements will be selected if pressed.
  • Show Move Guidelines – When checked, shows guidelines around the selected element as it’s moved.
  • Show Resize Guidelines – When checked, shows guidelines around the selected element as it’s resized.
  • Show Positioning Handle – Toggles the visibility of the positioning handle of selected elements, which can be used to easily move them.
  • Show Help Handle – Toggles the visibility of the help handle, which opens the help page for the selected element.
208_l_NotebookProperties Pane
Opens a list of options relating to the Properties pane:

  • Show – Toggles the visibility of the pane.
  • Float – Toggles the pane between floating and docked modes.
209_l_Layout-Folder PaneProject Pane
Opens a list of options relating to the Project pane:

  • Show – Toggles the visibility of the pane.
  • Float – Toggles the pane between floating and docked modes.
182_l_Color PickerEditor Background
Opens a list of available backgrounds for the editing area. This is an editor feature, which doesn’t influence the final course.
Contextual Popups
Opens a list of options relating to the way contextual popups are shown at design-time. Contextual popups are specific sub-elements of interactive elements, which are only revealed to the learner when triggered. When editing the project, the following options are available:

  • Show Contextual – Contextual popups are normally hidden, and are only revealed when their related trigger element is actively selected.
  • Show All – Contextual popups are visible at all times, regardless of the current selection.

Note that these are editor features, which don’t influence the final course. Contextual popups can also be directly selected via the elements tree, which will reveal them if they’re hidden.