Property types

Listed along each property in the element reference is the property’s type. Following is a list of the possible property types and their descriptions:

Number Shows a number spin, allowing you to enter a number.
Unit Shows a number spin, and a unit selection spin.
Text Shows an input, allowing you to enter text.
Select Shows a list of options, which you can select one from.
Checkbox Shows a checkbox, allowing you to toggle the property.
Color Shows a color palette, allowing you to select a color, or transparent where applicable.
Media Allows you to select an existing file from the Media Explorer, upload a new file, enter a URL to an external one, or make a new recording. Different options are available according to context.
Style Rule Opens a list of the project’s class style rules.
Resource Opens the Select Document dialog, allowing you to select a resource.
Condition Opens the feedback conditions dialog, allowing to design a certain condition combination.
String List Opens a dialog containing a list of strings, which can be edited and localized.
YouTube Opens the YouTube video selection dialog, allowing to search for and select a YouTube video.
URL Opens the External Link dialog, allowing you to enter a URL.
Key Combination Allows you to assign a key shortcut by pressing a combination of keys.
Glyph Opens the Symbol dialog, allowing to assign a glyph to the symbol element.
Glossary Term Opens the glossary term picker, allowing to search for and select a glossary term from the project’s glossary.
Scene Link Opens the scene link target picker, allowing to select one of the scenes from the scenario tree as the target of the link.